I love how Anessa from Iowa started this letter. "Dear Ms. Klise, I have no clue what to say." Neither do I! It's been so long since I've posted here. Should I tell you that I bought the cutest little apartment in Lisbon, Portugal, on a street named Olival, which is Olive in Portuguese? Isn't the view pretty? (See below.)

Or should I tell you that sister Sarah and I are working on a new series starring a group of can-do fifth graders and their rabble-rousing school librarian, whose name is Rita B. Danjerous? (Say it fast.) Or should I tell you how much I'm looking forward to meeting all the young authors in Lawrence, Ks., San Antonio, Tx., Wilmette, Ill, and Omaha, Ne. in the weeks ahead? Or or or . . . See what I mean? I have no clue what to say! But I should tell say you can always write to me here. Missouri is still my home base. I just plan to spend my writing months in Portugal. More on that to come.