The List of Things to Do Absolutely
Kate Klise , Sarah Klise
**** We love passionately
Astrid and her dog are inseparable. But doggies live less time than girls ... No sadness in this tale, but a delicate joy.Between them, it's capillary. To go back to the root of the affection of the little Astrid for her dog Eli, it is necessary to follow the hair of the young lady and the hairs of the doggie. It's sweet, it's fine, like corn threads. Both have the same mop of hair when she takes the wind. This is their charm, and their understanding is such that they are almost able to synchronize on command the movement of their hair. Yes, we can use this word to talk about the coat of Eli, a very human dog worked by the fear of aging. Yet it is charming, even graying then whitening, lustrous by the delicate brush of Sarah Klise. His owner has known him since birth, but dogs do not live as long as humans, so when the final gong approaches, Astrid accelerates the pace of activities so that the animal can close his eyes without regret. No sadness in this album on the skin, joy to the end, which does not happen, since the memory of love is eternal.
| Stay, translated from English (United States) by Ramona Badescu, ed. Albin Michel Jeunesse, 32 p., 11.50 €.
Marine Landrot
Kate Klise , Sarah Klise
**** We love passionately
Astrid and her dog are inseparable. But doggies live less time than girls ... No sadness in this tale, but a delicate joy.Between them, it's capillary. To go back to the root of the affection of the little Astrid for her dog Eli, it is necessary to follow the hair of the young lady and the hairs of the doggie. It's sweet, it's fine, like corn threads. Both have the same mop of hair when she takes the wind. This is their charm, and their understanding is such that they are almost able to synchronize on command the movement of their hair. Yes, we can use this word to talk about the coat of Eli, a very human dog worked by the fear of aging. Yet it is charming, even graying then whitening, lustrous by the delicate brush of Sarah Klise. His owner has known him since birth, but dogs do not live as long as humans, so when the final gong approaches, Astrid accelerates the pace of activities so that the animal can close his eyes without regret. No sadness in this album on the skin, joy to the end, which does not happen, since the memory of love is eternal.
| Stay, translated from English (United States) by Ramona Badescu, ed. Albin Michel Jeunesse, 32 p., 11.50 €.
Marine Landrot