As a ghost, I’ve grown accustomed to people not believing in me. But believe this: The seventh and final book in the 43 Old Cemetery Road series will soon be published, and I’d like you to join me in celebrating the end of this journey. How? By taking a ghost-worthy trip to Scotland!
For your convenience, I’m attaching a plane ticket to Loch Ness, Scotland. You’ll need a passport, too. (You can see Seymour’s passport here.)
I’m also including a sneak peek of The Loch Ness Punster, written by Kate Klise and illustrated by her darling sister, M. Sarah Klise.
When you read this book, you’ll see that my story ends with the promise of a future wedding. But we need a place to hold the reception. That’s why I’m inviting you and every book lover in America to nominate an elementary school (public or private) or library as the site of a wedding reception.
Please write the name of your favorite elementary school or public library, the street address, phone number, a contact name, and email address on a postcard. Mail it as soon as practical to my dear friend, Kate Klise, P.O. Box 744, Mountain Grove, Missouri, 65711. On May 2, 2015, I shall close my eyes and pick a postcard at random. The winning school or library will receive a wedding cake with my compliments on a mutually agreed upon date in May or June. (Don’t worry. Other than the cake delivery, there will be no fuss. No one will even know I’m there. I’m dead serious!)
Well, I hope I’ve whetted your appetite for travel, reading, and wedding cake. See you in Scotland!
Yours eternally,
Olive C. Spence
P.S. One postcard per reader, please. Any school or library may receive multiple nominations.
P.P.S. To find out who wins the wedding cake, follow this blog!